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There are a number of sources of information that will give the reader some orientation with these new developments that are emerging in the scientific/technical fields.  One place to start is on the resources page after you go to the unified field technology research page and click on the resources button.  Then, you will see the where to start document icon to go into.  As you progress with absorbing some of this information, there are a number of very good sites that go into more depth on various topics that, as the reader may experience, appear to be all ultimately related, though the point of convergence or experience of 'Gestalt' may be as yet far in the distance. The links and resources document on the resources page is offered to provide sources that the author has found helpful even though there may be some elements in them that the reader (and author) may not agree with. Everyone has their biases and views. Other documents on the resources page, comments on the home page, and so forth provide perspectives this author has developed to date. What is presented on this website is not expected to provide complete explanantions for phenomena that are not yet well understood, but information and concepts that are forming the bases of new models. There are a few quite sophisticated efforts in the theoretical realm that are moving toward complete accounting of known phenomena, though there are many dots not yet connected - and it may be some time before a complete unified field theory that embodies the best of all of these efforts is arrived at. This information is provided to assist the reader to find solid evidence to consider, learn to ask good questions, and learn of concepts that may provide explanations that are not in the conventional 'box.' Einstein said that our problems could not be solved on the same level at which they were created. This author has joined the growing ranks that have taken that statement to heart.


The world is in great need of human inhabitants that can see their environment in a comprehensive and interconnected way, or else they will continue to make less than optimal or outright disastrous decisions, the evidence of which we see all around us now in environmental degradation: toxins in our food, air and water, polluting energy sources powering industry and transportation, and sustainable life on the planet in jeopardy. The only way to see clearly and yet comprehensively ("holistically") is to be aware of many specifics, yet not loose sight of the forest for the trees - understanding enough about nature so that we can better determine the effects of our actions. We need to see both the parts and the synergetic relationship of the parts. As a simple example, take the elements Chlorine (Cl) and Sodium (Na); seperately they have certain chemical and physical properties; combine them into NaCl and you have table salt - a new synergistic molecule with altogether different characteristics and chemical and physical properties, not previously predicted unless one had the knowledge of what the synergetic interaction of the two elements would result in by understanding certain chemical laws. The late Walter Russell termed this chemical combining "voiding" - the Na and Cl atoms become a new NaCl molecule which no longer actually is made up of identifiable Na and Cl (contrary to conventional chemistry models). Evidence of something not currently understood about this is found in the current experimental work being done with crystal (salt) batteries.


As one looks into the new emergent scientific paradigm, one is surprised to discover amazing realities of nature that are hidden in plain sight from the current conventional scientific community which uses representations embedded in a paradigm (actually 3 unintegrated paradigms of Newtonian physics, Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics) that is inadequate to the task and quite confusing. The current scientific paradigm(s) was developed in an environment of competing views and vested interests which resulted in certain key concepts being omitted and/or distorted.  These key concepts under debate at certain critical junctures in the development of models later receded from active attention in the rush to implement new knowledge for commercial (and academic / ego-centric) purposes. Hence there is the need to review or "re-search" for what has been obscured (not really 'lost') that may be very important for our survival and the survival of all life on this planet.

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